Welcome to Kindergarten! This document is designed to be a helpful guide for parents/guardians as they prepare their child for elementary school. Below are skills for you to work on with your child before they start kindergarten to help them to be successful. All children are unique with different levels of ability, rates of development, and learning styles. We do not expect mastery of these skills to enter kindergarten, but the more secure children are in these skills, the greater the likelihood of their success!
**This is just a snapshot of what we want our children to be able to do before kindergarten. The NELC Preschool Assessment is much more extensive.
By kindergarten, your child should be able to…
Count to 20
Count 10 or more objects
Identify numbers 0-10
Identify and name basic shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle)
Identify colors
Know positional words (in, out, under, around, over, below, above, next to, in front of, in back of)
Know quantity words (more, less, same)
Make a simple pattern with objects (blue-red-blue-red)
Correctly hold a writing utensil
Recognize his/her name in writing and identify the letters in their name
Print his/her name with the first letter upper case
Know most upper and lower case letters
Know many letter sounds
Know how to hold a book and turn pages
Share with a peer
Take turns
Interact with both boys and girls
Keep his/her hands to themselves
Use kind words
Show empathy when someone is sad or hurt
Use coping strategies when they do not get what they want
Work in a small group
Classroom Work:
Sit in a defined space (circle, carpet square)
Stop and transition from one activity to another
Walk and wait when in line
Raise his/her hand and wait to be called on
Use a scissors, glue (stick and bottle), markers, pencils, crayons
Answer simple questions related to a story or experience